
Showing posts from September, 2017

Placemaking Project Part 1

The Walker Art Center Sculpture Garden - Minneapolis, MN The Walker Art Center is one of the most visited contemporary art museums in the United States. Iconically known for the Spoonbridge & Cherry sculpture in their sculpture gardens, the Walker Art Center attracts over  700,000 visitors per year . The Walker Art Center is a great public place for people to go walk around, hang out, take pictures and relax. All throughout high school, this sculpture garden was a common attraction for my friends and I.  When I was a senior in high school it was very common place for students to go get their senior portraits taken. I think a great thing about this place is its peacefulness and serenity.  It is large enough for people to be spread out, yet it is small enough to socialize. Sculptures and art are great conversation topics. Each individual often has his or her own perception of art, especially when it comes to modern art. This space not only provides a calm atmosphere in